I create this blog to let the people know about some interesting thing in our daily life. This is a blog about my memories and experiences. I do share useful things for people.


Monday 13 February 2017

Dance choreography by Sourabh (YouTube video)

Pathturuturu bekkunore, tumi dw hobor po mui ole ekku Najiye manuj. Najong hine ekku dibi dance video baneine YouTube ot upload gori sange. Dancer lagili mwre hobor di pariba ah Juni honojone Naj sigibar tan sigunore u sigei parim. Mw video gun bekkun sei sai juni gom lagede oi salen mw YouTube channel u subscribe gocchu. Aro video gun u like, share and comment di pariba.

You can watch my one of the YouTube dance video from the link below

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